Hello again!

First of all, I study biochemistry at the University of Chile and there are some things in the study program that could be changed. Regarding the subjects that are part of the career, there are cases where to be able to take a subject depends on the approval of more than another subject and also, we have annual subjects that if they are not approved we are too late in the career.

There are subjects that I did not feel were essential for my specific career, as in the case of Mechanics, however, I have to admit that I liked learning more, although it is true that they could eliminate some or put them as optional courses. On the teaching method, it would be more didactic if the teachers did practical classes (excluding laboratories), where we can observe the application of the theory through examples from everyday life or simple experiments that allow greater teacher-student interaction.

Regarding the faculty facilities, it would be great to have more study areas and green areas. In addition, it would be good to have our own dining room where you can pay for lunch and use the Junaeb card, since the closest place to do it is in the Odontology faculty and it is always full of people. To improve the use of technology, I feel that we could have more computers, because several times we need to use them and most of the time they are busy.


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