Topic: "English Language Challenges"

 Hello everyone!

In the first place, when I entered university my level of English was horrible. The level of English at my school was not very good, really, and I felt that I did not learn anything, but in university I learned more words than every year in school. Thanks to blogging, I can better understand the blogs of my colleagues, without having to translate, unless an unknown word is presented to me. Also, as I write more blogs, I can do it more fluently.

What makes it most difficult for me is speaking in English, because for that you need to think fast to say a good answer, and it took me a long time to come up with it. To exercise this, I must start more conversations with people only in English, and I was thinking in the near future to read books in English from the most basic, to learn more words. Also, I would like to continue writing something similar to blogs, since they have really helped my learning.

At present, I watch movies and series subtitled in Spanish, and every time I try to understand what they say without seeing the subtitles. This is to become more familiar with English, since before I watched more videos in Japanese than another language (anime and Japanese movies have addicted me since I was little). Finally, I changed the language of my cell phone and my pc, and I didn't think it would be very useful but the truth is that it has been helpful. 

Now, I started reading the manga "Attack on Titan" only in English (because I couldn't wait for the last season that premiered yesterday, by the way)


  1. I found the manga transated to spanish If you want it uwu

  2. I also changed the language of my computer and phone and it works quite well.


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